Walk down any street and you'll come across many plain, boring looking canvas bags. We can thank bag manufacturers for that problem. Initially they thought for the bags to sell it had to stand-out, so they designed bags in many bright colors. Today people are moving away from the bright looking canvas bags and getting a little bit more creative in their tastes.
A trend that first started on t-shirts and is now been applied to bags involves the use of slogans. Eye catching slogans are either painted or printed onto canvas bags. What works even better is the use of environmentally sensitive slogans which attracts a re-action from people. How many times have you passed an eye catching phrase on a person's t-shirt the same policy can be applied to canvas bags. I've done some research and come up with a list of my favorite slogans that could transfer your boring canvas bag in to a trendy item.
- There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all, Robert Orben.
- Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find, source the Time.
- We never know the worth of water till the well is dry, Thomas Fuller, 1732
- Your grandchildren will likely find it incredible - or even sinful - that you burned up a gallon of gasoline to fetch a pack of cigarettes! Paul MacCready, Jr.
- Newspapers: dead trees with information smeared on them, quoted Horizon, "Electronic Frontier"
- They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers, James G. Watt, 1982.
- The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun, Ralph Nader, 1980.
- Economic advance is not the same thing as human progress, John Clapham, 1957.
- Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them, Bill Vaughn.
- For 200 years we've been conquering Nature. Now we're beating it to death, Tom McMillan, 1990.
- It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment, Ansel Adams.
There are heaps more slogans and sayings that you could place on canvas bags these are just some of my favorite environmental quotes. The time is now to act on the environment and we can all do out part. Regardless of the slogan you choose for your canvas bag the main thing is that we're getting the green message out to the masses.
James has recently moved to New York and he loves the city. He's a strong supporter of all things relating to the protection of the environment and wishes New Yorker's used less plastic and paper shopping bags. He recommends the full range of products at R.A.G. including the canvas bags.